how to feel happy when you are sad
Feel good. How can I feel good? Do I feel before I think or think before I feel. Which comes first? The feeling part of us is first. We are the first cause of everything in our lives. We are first cause of the current reality & all possibilities

"Make an intention to feel good. How often can you check in with yourself by asking, "how am I feeling?". Checking in with your body. Checking in with your mind. Checking in with your heart."

"We ALWAYS possess....even on our deathbed....the ability to visualize a better existence. We have the ability at every moment. Every now moment of the day to reach for the FEEL GOOD feeling. The desired feeling."
Feel good. How can I feel good?
Feel good. How can I feel good? Do I feel before I think or think before I feel. Which comes first?
The feeling part of us is first.
We are the first cause of everything in our lives. We are first cause of the current reality & all possibilities. We are first cause.
Feeling is first. It is the tuner, the dial to the radio. The feeling tunes us into the station that generates the thoughts-the information. Our thoughts are unbiased. Generic. They flow in accordance to the vibration we are feeling into.
Feelings of love bring thoughts of love just as feelings of hate bring thoughts of hate. We are first cause. The only part of our experience, that is real, is how we feel, we are first cause. Feelings are first cause to everything in our life.
Feelings are to be used as tuning fork a compass guiding you to what you are and away from what you are not.
If you are feeling bad. Experiencing undesired feelings don't become angry & push away the feeling. Allow it. Receive it and its message. It is tuning you back to who you are. Rerouting you. Asking for you to pause. To assess. To feel into what you truly desire in that moment.
At every moment of unease, close your eyes and return to feeling good. Ease. Inner peace. You are okay. You are always okay.
Anger, shame, guilt around unwanted feelings only promotes more unwontedness.
How can you feel good when everything around you is falling apart?
In the most dire of situations there is always a way to feel good. Like a game we can play. Search for the meaning. Search for the feel good that you always have access to. Meditate. Dream. Close you eyes and see your future. See your worthiness. See your love. Feel into the feeling of having all that you desire right now.
We ALWAYS possess....even on our deathbed....the ability to visualize a better existence. We have the ability at every moment. Every now moment of the day to reach for the FEEL GOOD feeling. The desired feeling.
There is no space, time, mountain, obstacle between you and your love, joy, happy. Feel good right now. If you cannot set your eyes to something beautiful. Something sweet. Something that strokes the curiosities of your senses. Then close your eyes and hold the desire in your mind's eye, allow a smile to form on your face and FEEL GOOD. Hold the vibration for as long as you can. Coming back to it as often as necessary.
Feel good. Feeling good. Finding the feeling of goodness, brings thoughts of good, births actions that feel good. Then start over and over and over and over.
Feel good. Good thoughts will follow this, it is law. Good action will follow that. Good things will manifest. This is the law.
This is how to launch every desire, every dream, every idea. Feel good first. Set your intention upon good. Feeling good. Thinking good. Looking Good. Eating good. Goodness will follow.
Survivors of the Holocaust & survivors of some of the most dire of situations. Where all humanity has been stripped, survive atrocities by FINDING THE GOOD. The good feeling through meaning, through connection, through an inner peace THAT NO ONE COULD TAKE.
To feel good for no good reason is the biggest feat of humanity. Feel good in spite of the external world, external circumstances in spite of it all.
The ULTIMATE act of rebellion is TO FEEL GOOD in spite of evidence you "shouldn't".
We are the first cause. You are the tour guide. Your feelings choose the thoughts which choose the actions which choose the reality that you experience in this life. You are the tour guide.
You get to allow & receive. Allow the emotions to guide you towards feeling good. Receive the gift feeling good brings.
Shift away from that which does not make you feel good. This includes thoughts, people, experiences, places, conversations, anything that does not feel good.
Thoughts that do not feel good are not going to bring you feelings that feel good or more thoughts that feel good.
Make an intention to feel good. How often can you check in with yourself by asking, "how am I feeling?". Checking in with your body. Checking in with your mind. Checking in with your heart.
A desire to feel good to be happy is natural. It is like gravity, grounding you & pulling you to your center. To what matters.
Check in now. Go ahead, I will wait.
If you sense unease and not quite sure where it is coming from. Ask where am I feeling this in my body. What is this showing me? What do I need?
You are more powerful than you know and the intelligence of every cell in your body wants you to feel good too. Allow yourself to respond to these questions. Allow and receive the wisdom of your soul.
Want a free 15 minute consultation with me? Allow me to help you on your spiritual journey to Alignment and feeling good.
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Inga Kervin