How Do I Know I Am Doing The Right Thing?
We are distracted by mental stories, negative emotions, judgements, stress, other people's needs, our phones, the drivers on the road, next week, 5 years ago and so on...
How Do I Know I Am Doing The Right Thing?
How do I know if I am doing the right thing? How do I know if I am making the right decisions? How do I know if I am moving towards what I want, when I can't see it? How can I know if I am on the right path?
Affirmation: Allowing, receiving, allowing, receiving. I am paying attention to the energy I am receiving. Thus allowing source energy to flow to me and through me.

You are always getting feedback. You are always guided. Your proof is always in the pudding. Your current reality & state of being are the pudding! Your current reality is a reflection of your inner world.
'Bad' things happen to 'good' people and 'good' things happen to 'bad' people. Why is this so?
Because good and bad are subjective. You can never know the atmosphere inside of someone's head and heart. In fact it's pointless to assume or think that you know. Because you could never fully know, unless you were inside their physical shoes.
Your focus has and will always be a reflection of your own inner atmosphere. If you feel bad you will see bad reflected. If you feel good you will see good reflected.

Your current reality is a reflection of life choices based on your inner atmosphere. What does this mean?
Your life right now, everything in it, all the events, experiences, people & things are a result of your choices. These choices were decided based on your inner atmosphere at the time each decision was made. This is EMPOWERING.
You will notice that there are things in your life that no longer serve you. Things that very well keep you stuck in an 'old atmosphere' of the mind, you chose those things when you were in a different mental space than you are currently. What does this have to do with knowing if you are making the right decisions?
Because fully waking up to this truth: that your current reality is a reflection of your inner atmosphere, is feedback for where you want to go NOW. Feedback is good.
When you put your hand on a hot stove you get instant feedback, powerful feedback, which allows you to act lightning fast to remove your hand.
Allow me to expand.
When you are paying attention to the energy you are receiving you can then allow your inner being to guide you into decisions that will take you to your desires. What does it mean to pay attention to the energy you are receiving?
It's easy to get overwhelmed when you are on a spiritual path. Especially when you read books, blogs & listen to podcasts that have vague statements such as this one: 'Pay attention to the energy you are receiving, thus allowing source energy to flow.' It is a powerful & beautiful statement. But what exactly is it referring to? It is easy to understand in the hot stove example. But what about less extreme situations?
This is the gray area of spiritual enlightenment. You are going to interpret things with your current level of understanding, always.
What is your current level of understanding?
Your current level of understanding is unique to you. It is based on your own life events, experiences, circumstances and knowledge.
Your level of understanding is always evolving & expanding with each minute, hour, day... This is the natural evolution of your life, your spiritual journey. More on this later.
So what does it mean to pay attention to the energy you are receiving?
To 'pay attention' requires being in the present. Focus & intention. But that is NOT how most of us go about our day. Therefore we are 'blind' to the energies we are receiving at moments of the day. Thus NOT allowing source energy to guide us.
We are distracted by mental stories, negative emotions, judgements, stress, other people's needs, our phones, the drivers on the road, next week, 5 years ago and so on...

So what 'energies' am I missing out on? You are missing out on being intuitively guided by your own inner connection with source.
Instead you are spending most of your time in the mind. The mind is not a bad place to be, it just makes things WAY harder, complicated and longer than needed.
Being in a state of RECEIVING by way of being present ALLOWS you to feel into & know what your inner being knows.
This is connection with universal intelligence. This is intuitive guidance.
Inner beings can come forward and connect with the energies of source (the universe) in ways that the mind cannot comprehend.
The mind is logical. It uses the 5 senses to process your reality. The mind is a computer, processing information that it receives through the 5 senses.
Inner being, source energy, intuition, universal intelligence cannot be processed through the mind. At Least not in a logical sense.
We 'process' this energy through our HEART. Stay with me.

We receive this connection through our heart space. Through feeling & knowing rooted in our chest. Our heart. Science is just now catching up to what humans have intuitively known all along.
There are some amazing scientific studies now that show the intelligence that lives in our heart, independent of our minds/brains.
You can go down a rabbit hole here. Your welcome. Mysteries of the Human Heart
I get super excited at the thought that science is confirming what mystics knew all along. We are shifting into a new age of thought and evolution.
Connection with inner being, with source energy, with universal intelligence and allowing ourselves to be intuitively guided by way of being present so we can pay attention to the energy we are receiving GETS us to where we want to go, to our desires, with LESS effort, LESS time and in a MORE fun way.
Other words, When we pay attention to the energies we are receiving and allow source energy to flow to us and thus allow ourselves to be intuitively guided we get to our desires, abundance, joy and intentions with fewer actions, less time, less effort and a BIGGER impact.
An amazing ENTIRE book dedicated to this is by Michael Singer, The Surrender Experiment. I highly recommend this read.
Can you get to where you want to go with hard work, time, effort & sacrifice. ABSOLUTELY. But why?
The honest truth as to why is rooted in our domestication. I totally understand, I spent the first 35 years in that dimension.
Domestication is the way we were raised, the beliefs that we adopted from our parents and them from their parents. Domestication is our programming from being in public systems, society.
As Abraham Hicks states in this wonderful podcast episode, Your financial prosperity is tied to your action.
We equate action with receiving. Other words, you believe that you have to make an effort, work hard, do things you don't want to do in order to deserve prosperity.
Can you even imagine a life where little action is taken, everything is fun & feels good and no sacrifices have to be made in order to receive financial abundance? No, most of you can't. And in there lays the domestication of several generations.
Take a moment to journal the following questions.
Write the question on your paper.
Read it several times before answering.
How can we be receptive to all the ways to receive abundance, wealth & prosperity?
In what ways is my financial prosperity tied to my action?
If there was no one else on the planet, but me, would my means of making money be necessary?
If there is no one to provide goods and service for, would there be a need to?
Can you see that in order for economy to be a thing, you need other people but more importantly you need to provide VALUE. This is the very basis of the economy. To provide VALUE for others.
Our interactions with one another is the basis for economics-it is what economics is all about. Serving one another in some way.
Journal these questions:
Have all the ways we can serve one another been figured out?
Do you believe that there are desires, hopes, dreams of the masses that are waiting to be created?
How does it feel to think about this?
Expansive, endless, infinite & ever evolving?
This is your true nature. As we move through life, our experiences, events & knowledge continue to evolve us spiritually.
This is what births desire, new desires, new creations, innovation and VALUE.
How do I know if I a doing the right thing? How do I know if I am making the right decisions? How do I know if I am moving towards what I want, when I can't see it? How can I know if I am on the right path?
All of these questions are resolved through faith & trust that if you practice being present, follow the path of least resistance in each moment, follow your inspiration & what FEELS good, what FEELS right then you are in ALIGNMENT and operating from the perspective of inner being & intuition. The deep knowing, faith & trust.
If your inner atmosphere is one of peace, love, joy, effortlessness and ease then YOU WILL ALWAYS be led to the treasures of the soul. The abundance that is always available to you, by way of feeling it IN THE NOW.
This vibrational frequency tunes you into present energies in reality that reflect your desires & intentions.
As always I love you I love you I love you. I am rooting for you all and I know that you will be guided in exactly the way your soul desires it to be.
If you would like to book a 1:1 close up with me, follow the link.

xoxo, Inga Kervin