How to create more money effortlessly
There is no distance between you and your desire. There is no time or space to go through. There is nothing keeping you from it. There is no thing between you and your desire. There is no obstacle. No struggle. No problem to solve.

"Consider this, it is impossible to spot a lie unless you know the truth."

"Your TRUTH is the desire, the wanting, the dream, the expansiveness. Desires point you towards the truth of who you are."

"Where we focus is where reality is created."

"You are okay. You will always be okay. You have the abundance of a hundred lifetimes in this NOW moment. In each NOW moment. You need only to feel into it."

There is no distance between you & your desires.
There is no distance between you and your desire. There is no time or space to go through. There is nothing keeping you from it. There is no thing between you and your desire. There is no obstacle. No struggle. No problem to solve. No person to negotiate with. No measure to be taken. No before, if, and.Nothing that needs to be done first. No upstream battle. No hustle. No effort. No distance or great lengths. There is no one to ask permission from. There is no one that holds the key. There is no gatekeeper to your manifestations. There is no breakthrough. No process that keeps you from your desires. There is no plan necessary. There are no dark forces to fight against. There are no amends that need to be made. There is nothing between you and your desires.
How can this be true? How can all the desires, abundance, wealth, joy, peace & love be here when I don’t see ‘evidence’ of it? Do my eyes lie? Does my current reality lie to me? Does the lack of money to pay my bills today fool me? Does my bad mood lie to me as well?
Your TRUTH is the desire, the wanting, the dream, the expansiveness. Desires point us towards the truth of who we are.
If you are currently experiencing lack of money, for example, this is only pointing you to your truth---> The desire to reconnect to abundance & wealth that is ALREADY within you.
Think about it this way. What makes a desire feel so good? What makes a desire so exciting? What makes your dreams so fun, exciting & worth having?
Take a moment to jot a few feelings/thoughts that come to the surface.
My guess is that you wrote something with the tone of: looking forward to something bigger, better, feeling better, more joy, building upon what you already have, being away from what you are currently experiencing, expansiveness, freedom... See this is your TRUTH. Anything that is not this, that is LESS than this, is A LIE and does not feel good.
Anything that doesn't feel good is an indication you are being pulled out of your Alignment.
Think about these words you are reading. Part of you may feel resistance to some of what I am writing here. But there is a part of you that feels good reading my words. That part of you resonates with the truth. The truth is what feels good. It feels good to read these words and therefore brings you into the vibration of your Alignment.
Let us work through this a little more.
Take the example of money. If you focused on NOT HAVING it, you are putting your focus on the lie (this totally freaks the mind/ego out, it wants to see physical proof!). Focusing on scarcity, lack, negative aspects of not currently having the abundance you know you are worthy of (the truth) is low vibration.
Focusing in this way attracts more lack, more of the not having, more of a deficit.
Where we focus is where reality is created. The lack you are experiencing is created by your attention to it. This is the law of ATTRACTION.
Consider this, it is impossible to spot a lie unless you know the truth. If you don't know the truth, then you believe the lie. Your inner being KNOWS the truth. It always does. This is why it is so important to connect with your inner being, your TRUTH.
What does this have to do with your desires, your manifestations?
Connecting to the truth everyday creates expansion in the awareness of THE LIE. Awareness is the first element in growth & expansion of self. You learn to spot the lie faster and faster and in return creating new focus so that you can experience a new reality.
Knowing that you can create more joy, more wealth, more abundance, more love, more worthiness just by appreciating it now, feeling it now, thinking of it now, spotting it now, seeing in your life now, finding it in every moment, turning your thoughts towards it, speaking it, talking about it, visualizing it, writing it, connecting to it with every breath you take.
This is how we can say ,there is no distance between you and your desire.
The moment you feel it, you are it. Abundance, wealth, joy, worthiness, freedom, expansiveness.
There is no distance between you and your desire. There is no time or space to go through. There is nothing keeping you from it. There is no thing between you and your desire. There is no obstacle. No struggle. No problem to solve.
You are okay. You will always be okay. You have the abundance of a hundred lifetimes in this NOW moment. In each NOW moment. You need only to feel into it.
Ask yourself now if this feels true? Can you proceed into each moment with the vibration of wealth, abundance, joy & worthiness? With masterful gratitude of what is? Can you create faith that this alone is enough? That you are ENOUGH. That when you turn towards the sun all the shadows will fall behind and with that a new reality of your choosing emerges. A reality filled with abundance, joy, freedom & expansive possibilities.
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SubmitIf you would like to book a 1:1 with me to work through your limitations & blocks. Reach out. I am here to serve you.