Pasted Loved One Comes To An Energy Session

Past Loved One Enters Healing Session

This week with one of my clients I experienced something magical for the first time. With energy work every session is unique. 

 The more I deep dive into energy healing and the power of holding space....magical unexplainable experiences arise. 

 I went into the home of my client, in her sacred space. She has an eclectic space curated perfectly with years of collecting just the perfect items for her home. 

 As I began to ground her and the space her body began talking. Showing me where to go, what it needed and I found myself exploring with curiosity all the areas that needed attention. 

 As I was working in her solar plexus I began seeing a giant whale jumping in and out of the ocean. Strange symbolism that I hadn't seen before. 

 About 15 minutes in I could hear audibly the chair behind me creaking back and forth. 

I instantly new there was a male presence there with his legs crossed, shifting his weight back and forth. 

He wanted me to acknowledge him. I just noted the presence as I worked. Seemingly impatient with me not 'announcing' his presence I felt him come over my left should leaning in over our work area.

 I knew I had to tell my client that there is a male presence with us. She kept her eyes closed and felt into the energy allowing herself to sync into who was there with us. 

She instantly was given the scent of 'old spice', the cologne her sweet daddy used to wear. She knew he was there with us, helping.

 It was like we were working together to release things within her body that she no longer needed for the next season of her life.

 IT WAS PURE MAGIC. As far as the whale, my take on this is that it was a memory.

 Her father was a Navy man. 

 I cannot believe that I get to do with for people, with people.

 Is this real life?? I will continually share this work & I will continue to grow myself in order of the highest good, the highest potential for YOUR's and our collective Healing.

 Love you all.

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